I can’t shake this
Empty feeling
The peach pit
Scraping the bottom
Of my wallowing stomach
It seems to always cave in
Once I had thought it was full
Kneeling down on the bathroom floor
Fingers trying to smooth out
The lumpy dumpling stuck in my throat
Sometimes I can gulp it down
Most of the time
It lingers
Like a foul odour
Grasping at the back of my gullet
You fill me up with daisies
But I keep plucking at the petals
Until grey ash remains
Why can’t I stop
Peeling away the petals
Why can’t I
Let things be
Immobilized by the weaknesses
Of myself
I know for damn sure
All this thinking is pointless
All these drawn-out feelings
Sunken eyes
Leaking saltwater
I am better than this
Today is just an off day
Accept that
Ball today up
In tiny fists
Breathe a little longer